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UPWOOD multiplier event in Latvia

The national dissemination event of the UPWOOD project in Latvia will take place on 24th February online on behalf of Liepaja State Technical School at 14:00 (EET).

During this event, the project and its latest progress will be presented, as well as the current situation of the wood construction sector in Latvia particularly.

We will have the presence of three experts from the wood construction sector belonging to various local and international associations connected to wood construction. They will talk about modern tendencies of wood construction in Latvia and the world, wood construction legislation and its application in Latvia and several current projects in the field. 

The event will be held in Latvian. If you are interested see the agenda below.

Euroopan komission tuki tämän julkaisun tuottamiseen ei tarkoita sitä, että sisältö, joka kuvastaa pelkästään
tekijöiden näkemyksiä, saa kannatusta, eikä komissiota voida saattaa vastuuseen niiden sisältämien tietojen
mahdollisesta käytöstä.


Visnja Koscak

Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH

T +43 (0) 316 - 58 78 50 - 215

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